Is EUS-guided Ablation Feasible To Treat Nonfunctioning Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Smaller Than 2 cm?

Is EUS-guided Ablation Feasible To Treat Nonfunctioning Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Smaller Than 2 cm?

Vanessa M. Shami, MD, FASGE, reviewing So H, et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2022 Nov 15.

Although small (<2 cm), nonfunctioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) are typically followed, there are instances, such as patient anxiety, that prompt resection. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided ethanol ablation (EUS-EA) has been used as an alternative modality to surgery to treat PNETs. This propensity score-matching study aimed to compare the safety and long-term outcomes of EUS-EA with those of surgery for the management of nonfunctioning, small PNETs. 

The study included 97 patients who underwent EUS-EA and 188 who underwent surgery at a single medical center. Propensity score matching resulted in 89 matched pairs. Early (within 14 days) major complications were significantly lower in patients who underwent EUS-EA versus surgery (0% vs 11.2%; P=.003). There was no statistical difference in late (after 14 days) complications (3.4% vs 10.1%; P=.07). Both treatment modalities had similar 10-year overall and disease-specific survival rates. The average number of days spent in the hospital was significantly less in the EUS-EA group (4 days vs 14.1 days; P<.001), and endocrine pancreatic insufficiency occurred less often after EUS-EA (33.3% vs 48.6%; P=.121). 

It is important to note that in the EUS-EA group, only 64.9% of patients showed complete ablation (defined as no suspicious viable tumor at the time of radiologic evaluation), and 46% of those showed local recurrence after complete ablation.

Vanessa M. Shami, MD, FASGE


While the utility in treating low-grade PNETs <2 cm in size is debatable, EUS-EA appears feasible and safe, though the complete ablation rate is relatively low. Since there is more of an impetus to treat symptomatic PNETs, large studies comparing EUS-EA with surgery in patients with functional PNETs would be a natural off-shoot of this study.



Note to readers: At the time we reviewed this paper, its publisher noted that it was not in final form and that subsequent changes might be made.


So H, Ko SW, Shin SH, et al. Comparison of EUS-guided ablation and surgical resection for non-functioning small pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: a propensity score matching study. Gastrointest Endosc 2022 Nov 15. (Epub ahead of print) (

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